
A storyteller’s life is
an excitement indeed:
All tales of unknown  
I hope once to read


Photos and video of a performance
Year: 2019
Photo: Justine

Freedom. I feel it in the thin, soft breeze that is the simultaneity of the perception of the rock on my right and the sea on my left. It is the simultaneity that frees us from the notion of time. Just like a wheel that is moving both forward and backward at the same time, appearing to the observers as merely standing still.

The movie Fiddler on the Roof (1971.), although set in a time before around 100 years, is perfectly applicable to the present. The question it poses is that of tradition and its importance and position in contemporary society. What happens when a person loses the organic identity that ties her/him to the land and culture she/he stems from? Perhaps we are losing a part of ourselves; an anchor that once gave us belief in more humble and natural values of life. 

The work "Mazel Tov" is a reference to a wedding scene from the before-mentioned movie. It is set in a small Russian village facing crucial socio-political changes that finally culminate with the rupture of war. In the wedding celebration scene, after the ceremony, a couple of dancers make a traditional dance with bottles on their heads. Referring to their choreography I am dancing my own version of the bottle dance, with it giving homage to both fragility and strenght of tradition and freedom.